It’s estimated that within the next few years, 70%的营销支出将用于数字营销.

Be ready to lead with a minor in Digital Marketing. 您将能够使用最新的数字营销技术,并拥有行业认可的认证来证明这一点.

在数字时代,帮助你关心的公司或事业接触到它的受众. You’ll learn core principles of marketing, plus skills specific to the digital world, like content creation, social media marketing, web design, analytics, search engine optimization and more.

你的课程将直接转化为营销工作的要求——你甚至会承担一些项目,比如为现实生活中的客户创建一个社交媒体营销计划, 为公司或非营利组织策划和运营付费搜索活动.

Your professors will be experienced, 业内公认的营销人员,他们将帮助你与奥斯汀的实习和雇主建立联系, a booming economy with a thriving tech scene. 你还将有机会获得雇主青睐的营销技术认证,比如Hootsuite, HubSpot Inbound, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Marketo and Salesforce. When you graduate, 您将获得帮助任何组织分享其信息和衡量其影响的实践经验.